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Group Introduction

Group to introduce

DieSha international - founded in 2006, is an intelligent group company integrating life science research, biotechnology, investment management, international trade, health industry, beautiful indu

Group to introduce

Diesha  adheres to the brand concept of "Butterfly Transformation, Transformation, and Cocoon Transformation into a Butterfly". Using pure natural plants gifted to humans by nature as raw materials, utilizing high-tech, research and development production, and producing products that are "pure natural, additive free, and personalized". Committed to providing a healthy and beautiful lifestyle for humanity, offering solutions based on the 5S health management mechanism for the human body.
  Since its establishment, Diesha Company has been guided by the philosophy of "operating with kindness and love, and producing with morality and conscience", striving to meet the expectations of consumers with excellent product quality.

  • 一、Diesha(China) Co., Ltd.
  • 二、ShangHai DieSha Biology Technology Co., Ltd.
  • 三、Shanghai Jin Yuan Industrial Co. Ltd.
  • 四、Diesha 5S Health Management Center
  • 五、Diesha 5S Skin Management Center
  • 六、Diesha Body Carving Meisu Hall


we have
  • 原始火山无人谷

  • 蝶莎诺丽金果NoniGingo基地

  • 蝶莎诺丽金果NoniGingo果实

Our Advantage

The operation model of the whole industry chain is formed: C2M+F2C+O2O+ community

Chairman Message

our future
Diesha International Founder Pei Zhen Yu

Chairman's Speech

Chairman's Speech
Say goodbye to the fruitful past and embrace a hopeful future.
Along the way,
We always care about how everyone can achieve health and beauty,
We always care about everyone's income and treatment,
We always care about a healthy and beautiful China,
We have always been concerned about the sustainable development of China's sharing economy, sharing economy, and digital economy,
We are also concerned about improving the quality of life
In the past, Diesha Company seized opportunities, consolidated its foundation, bravely faced challenges, and deeply cultivated the field of health and beauty industry. Taking pure brewed Noli drinks as the starting point, it hosted a series of summit forums, gathered industry experts, discussed the development trends and prospects of the health and beauty industry, popularized Noli knowledge and healthy living concepts, and promoted the development of China's Noli industry.
"Diesha+health industry, Diesha+beauty industry, Diesha+Internet, Diesha+smart elderly care, Diesha+health management..." We have witnessed excellence with the spirit of innovation+ingenuity, solid steps and opportunities of the times.
On the path of development, we are delighted to see that the Ministry of Health announced Nori as a new resource food in 2010; It is seen that in 2014, the "pure brewing Nori industry" advocated, continuously focused and promoted by Diesha was written into the "Southern Medicine and Great Southern Medicine" under the national "the Belt and Road" strategy; Seeing many people who have achieved health through our efforts and smiling with joy
Diesha Company follows the trend and moves with the flow. We will continue to promote the industrial development of "Diesha+Internet plus+digital economy", and consolidate the "Create a Chinese pure brewing Nori health industry enabling platform"; We will establish the "Diesha 5S Health Management" standard and replicate and promote the mature experience of the "Diesha Model"; We will continue to actively respond to the national "14th Five Year Plan" for national health, focus on the development of the "Five Major Strategies" of Diesha Company, and help promote the Healthy China Dream and Beautiful China Dream.
The market is the touchstone for enterprise development, and the healthy and beautiful industry is the fundamental basis for the longevity of Diesha Company. The development of Diesha Company cannot be separated from market demand and consumer foundation. The next ten years will be a crucial decade for the development of the health and beauty industry, and a golden decade for the development of Diesha DIESHA. Diesha Company looks forward to working with you to contribute to the development of the "Healthy China, Beautiful China" cause and witness a more wonderful and beautiful life!

Development History

Development Path
  • 2015年中国美容奢侈品至美奖唯一最佳食品科学健康营养奖
  • 2014年中华全国工商业联合会美容化妆品业商会先进工作者
  • 2014年8月中国美容奢侈品2014年度至美奖最佳杰出供应商
  • 2014年中国美容奢侈品2014年至美奖唯一最佳商业信誉奖
  • 2014年中国美容奢侈品2014年至美奖全程唯一指定高端养生品牌
  • 2013年影响中华美业最具竞争力十大企业
  • 2012-2015年 中华全国工商业联合会美容化妆品业商会评为常务理事单位
  • 2009-2012年  快速成长为中国美业500强【蝶莎美业-优品赢销服务商】战略合作伙伴商达2000余家
  • 2006-2008年  专注于中国美容化妆品业渠道建设,开拓渠道加盟合作店300余家

  • 蝶莎国际-创始于2006年3月

Corporate Honor

Enterprise honor

Diesha Think Tank

Diesha think tank
  • 王绵英博士

    现在美国伊利诺州立大学医学院洛克福校区病理学系研究(Mian-Ying Wang,M.D.&M.S. University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford, Department of Pathology, IL 61107, USA),曾在中国青海、河南任内科、外科医师,药理学教授,专门致力于化学及雌激素致癌和防癌研究。
  • 约翰·海勒门博士John Heinerman

    蝶莎诺丽金果NoniGingo首席顾问 美国brigham young 大学生化博士 美国生物研究医学会理事 美国各类保健业书畅销作家 世界知名医学人类学博士 世界知名营养学作家 著有出版书籍超过58本有关生化,营养学著作,并译成17国语言畅销全世界销售近2000万本 美国犹他时报及大众医学期刊主编 美国犹他州,盐湖城医学研究中心主任
  • 尼尔·所罗门博士Dr Neil Solomon M.

    《大自然神医—诺丽》作者 。 曾任美国约翰霍普金斯医学中心医师,美国马里兰州保健卫生署机要秘书,曾担任过两届总统及四个州议会主席的健康顾问。 美国CNN新闻保健专家,[[纽约时报]] 畅销读物作家,[[洛杉矶时报]] 健康专栏作家,目前致力公共教育,幷担任联合国与世界卫生组织顾问。
  • 罗夫·海尼克博士Dr. Ralph Heinicke

    美国生物学家 诺丽之父 (美国著名生化学家,赛洛宁系统地发现者) 作为世界上第一位诺丽果的科学家,海尼克博士本人笃信诺丽的医学价值。

Corporate Culture

Corporate Culture

Elite team

Elite team
  • 朱老师
  • 高杰鹏
  • 于老师
  • 上官
  • 慧明


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